The benefits of Accoya timber products

Consisting mostly of Radiata pine, Accoya is the brand name for softwood lumber that has been treated with acetic anhydride. The result is a hard wearing wood at a fairly low environmental cost.

Accoya is very resistant to shrinkage and swelling. Its light colour makes it compatible with a wide range of finishes such as translucent stains. It is also long-lasting because the acetylation process changes its porosity, reducing its ability to absorb water by 80%.

It also has great thermal properties and so it will regulate the temperature of your home in both summer and winter. Alongside this, it combines the carbon benefits of softwood with the durability of hardwoods.

The main wood used comes from New Zealand and is then treated in the Netherlands. While shipping is involved, the low environmental impact of the acetylation process means that it is a great choice. This is because the process generates acetic acid that is harmless and can be reused in a number of other industries.

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